Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days: Saving Wedding Memories

Since today is Pin for the Win Wednesday, I thought I'd share a little craft that I did quite a while back. Okay, so maybe it was last Christmas - but it seems fitting for this post series and will help you get in the Christmas crafting mood. (We've gotta start now, or we never will, right?!)

Here is the idea I originally pinned:

(Originally posted at the blog "... From Glitter to Gumdrops")

Basically, the concept is to take a wedding invite, cut it into strips, curl it, and then stick it into a glass ball ornament. Easy peasy. The Mr and I didn't actually have wedding invites (yay for eloping!) so I used one of our bajillion leftover post-wedding announcements. Here is my result:

Not as classy as the original, but it's definitely not too shabby. I am looking forward to proudly displaying it on my tree this year. :)

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