Monday, October 15, 2012

31 Days: A Few Quick Reflections

Not much to post today, and to be honest, I can't say too much because I'm currently stuck posting from my phone. Apparently my computer is on a blogging strike.


I've spent the last 24 hours sorting on and off through a box of photos of my early years, and it's a rather interesting experience. There are so many photos that I couldn't possibly keep them all, but how do you determine the value of one photo over another?

I'm struggling with little decisions, like do I keep this photo of an unimportant event that I have actual memories of, or this cute photo of an equally unimportant event that I don't remember?

What pictures do I think my future children will be interested in? What will I wish I had copies of later in life?

Maybe I'm a photo hoarder, maybe I'm sentimental, or maybe I'm just normal... But this task is much more difficult than I thought it would be!

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