Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days: Instagram Fall Photo Challenge

What do you all think about having a little fall photo challenge? Over the next 21 days, I challenge you to see how many of these photos you can capture, then upload them to your Facebook and/or Instagram for all to enjoy. (P.S. if you're on Instagram use the tag #mtlfallchallenge so that we can see your work!)

1. Autumn decorations
2. At least one pumpkin
3. Dressed in fall colors
4. Your favorite fall scent
5. An artistic shot of an apple
6. Fall morning
7. Fall evening
8. Autumn leaves
9. A [fall] word
10. A good [fall] thing
11. The color orange
12. The color red
13. The color brown
14. Something you're thankful for
15. Cozy and warm
16. Comfort food
17. A special fall project
18. Something you're thankful for
19. Sweet treats
20. Somebody in a costume
21. The first day of November

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