Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FALLing For You: Fall [Crafting] Fails

Time to be real. Not everything you pin on Pinterest is as easy as it seems.

Take for instance this VERY easy looking tutorial for an ombre candle holder.

I really hoped this one would turn out. Using some cream colored tissue paper I had on hand, I did a quick mock-up, and while I wouldn't say that it's a complete FAIL - it certainly doesn't look bad - it just doesn't have the same type of effect. It was also WAY more difficult than it looked (have you ever tried to cut tissue paper in a straight line?)

Here's my take:

See? Only a hint of ombre. I dressed it up with some twine and a few wooden acorns. Not bad, just not great. I'm going to give this project one more go with some brightly colored tissue paper before I officially declare it a dud, but in the meantime, here's the moral of the story...

Don't count your metaphorical Pinterest chickens before they hatch! ;)

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