Sunday, August 12, 2012

FALLing For You: Subway Art

August has arrived (and at this point is nearly halfway gone!)

I don't know about YOU, but I'm about ready to start celebrating fall. Sure it's still 95 degrees outside, but in the mornings when the air conditioner is still cranked down low from overnight, and there is a hint of dampness in the air, I make myself a cup of hot coffee and I'm all about fall.

This week seems like a great time to beat the heat and start planning some fall decor, style, and food... so I'm starting off today with a post that's filled with fun (and FREE) fall subway art. Grab yourself some coffee and make sure that your printer has plenty of ink. :)

Clockwise from Upper Left: Hopscotch Studios, Betty Crocker Wannabe, eighteen25

If framed subway art isn't your thing, do a quick Google for subway art crafts. I've seen a couple of cute ideas online including using them to wrap candy bars, top goody bags, create cards, and even make a table runner! As for me, I'll be framing mine. Check back to see which art I chose to print! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. I don't do the "fancy" framing stuff, though, I just grab the pre-fab ones from Michaels or Hobby Lobby. That way I can change the decor seasonally or when my decorating tastes change (pretty much whenever the wind blows.) ;)
