Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meet Toby

Toby is...

       ... our rescue puppy.

       ... approximately one year old.

       ... full of energy and completely spastic.

       ... a bit of a star, having performed as "Bruiser" in Legally Blonde: The Musical.

Toby has...

       ... been officially nicknamed #Taco by online friends.

       ... stolen the hearts of many ladies with his GIANT ears.

Toby thinks...

       ... that he's actually a Great Dane.

       ... that we don't feed him enough (even though he definitely gets MORE than enough).

       ... his Daddy is one of his litter-mates.

Toby loves...

       ... car rides.

       ... Dentastix.

       ... the Chick-Fil-A drive thru.

       ... his tennis ball and his baby, "Hedgie," a blue stuffed hedgehog.

       ... playing chase, or as we like to call it, "Tasmanian Devil."

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