Sunday, September 16, 2012

Simple Things Sunday

One of my new favorite blogs is Simple as That. I love the gorgeous photos the author takes, as well as her fabulous sense of style. :) I'm excited to participate in her weekly tradition of "Simple Things Sunday," where her readers come together "... to share our photos ... To enjoy the beauty that can be found in the ordinary and to be reminded of just how important the simple things are. " (Description copied directly from her blog.)

I hope that maybe some of you will join us in creating a weekly photo posting, either via blog or Instagram!

This is my Simple Thing #1:

I captured this photo during one of my daily afternoon walks with Toby. To be honest, most days I'm not thrilled about walking him in the midday heat, but a few days this last week were actually relatively nice weather-wise. I'm trying to take my time and be THANKFUL for the sun rather than hateful of it. After all, in a few months, my little Florida girl tush will be freezing on one of the few cold days of the year, and I'll be wishing for the fabulous sunshine and warmth!

What simple things are YOU thankful for this week?


  1. This is so pretty! Thank you so much for linking up with the simple things this week, it was such a treat to stop by your blog! :)

  2. This photo makes me look forward to my family trip to the beach (Turks & Caicos) coming up in October. Great shot!
