Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tip #1: Ideas & Where to Get Them

Have you ever asked your student to write a paragraph (or sometimes even a sentence) and gotten a blank stare? If so, hopefully this tip will be of help to you!

Tip #1: Remember that kids don't have as much background knowledge (or as many life experiences) to draw on while writing.

It is NOT cheating to talk through ideas and concepts with your child before they begin to write. In fact, I encourage my writing students to share ideas and brainstorm with their parents. Don't feel bad about sharing necessary or interesting background information with them, either! 

After you've finished brainstorming with them, you may also wish to help them develop an outline for their paragraph. Though outlines seem like a lot of work, practicing the skill now will set up your student for success, both in writing their paragraph AND in their future studies.

Check back tomorrow for my second tip! :)